Get a complete up-to-date balance on your clients' accounts.
Get update on total rent owed to your landlords.
Reconcile agency fees to your operational bank account.
Pay tradesmen for invoices owed and keep a historic record.
Automate your invoices quickly and effortlessly and apply to your landlords statements.
Generate landlord statements and share access online if you feel comfortable.
Upload tradesperson invoices to statements and never miss out on making deductions.
Process your fees to your operations account and keep updated.
Track deposits held in your client account or sent to third party deposit schemes.
Manage tradesperson invoices due and paid, keeping historic records of funds paid to your tradespersons.
Get instant accounts balance on deposits held, fees due, landlords owed and tradepersons owed.
Access invoice reports on your yearly invoiced amounts and the services you have billed for.
Track rents outstanding including total accumulative rent arrears on your rent management dashboard.
Sync and share access with your landlords to their rent schedule, statements and documents saving you both time and postage costs!
Simplify task management by assigning tasks to property managers, get alerts and updates on lease renewals and high-priority tasks.